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Walling and Stone Work
Many gardens require retaining or dividing walls in some form. We offer a range of styles that work with the architecture of the house and help give better access to the garden or improved social space. From traditional Kentish stones such as ragstone, sandstone and flint, to other popular choices such as Purbeck, Yorkstone and Cotswold, we are experienced in a variety of walling and also brickwork, rendered block walls, railway sleeper retaining walls and gabion cage wall construction. We also offer services in driveway construction including natural stone setts, block paving and permeable gravel driveway systems.
We also have experience in restoration stonework for older gardens and have previously been fortunate enough to have reconstructed a Gertrude Jeykll design in Surrey that was in disrepair. Contact us for design ideas to suit your front or back garden.
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